Paying with afterpay

  1. We're thrilled to announce that you can now use Afterpay on your purchases!

    While our website doesn't have Afterpay directly integrated in to the checkout process yet, we've created a smooth and secure alternative using Stripe, a trusted global payment service that seamlessly works with Afterpay.

    This means you can still enjoy the convenience of splitting your payments into installments with Afterpay. Here's how it works:
  1. Simply fill out the Afterpay Request form.
  2. We'll email you a secure Stripe payment link.
  3. Use the secure link to complete your shipping and Afterpay details.
  4. Submit your payment and your order is complete. Easy!


Afterpay Logo
Thank you! We'll email you ASAP with you're Afterpay link.

Please note, you're order will only be complete when payment is made.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form.